Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Family Secret

"What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?" 
Romans  6:1

I was sitting with a gentleman at a picnic table and we were talking about sin.  I know, I know, .... I definitely need to a buy book on conversation starters.  It sounds like one of those deep conversations, but it was really just one of those times where one thing led to another and all of the sudden we found ourselves discussing sin.  He told me that he had a lot of things he regretted and went on to say he asked for God's forgiveness from those particular sins every day.  This person was quite simply weighted down by past sin.  Now don't misunderstand.  This person had a very good job, was married with one child and, by appearances, a good husband and Father.  He just harbored an "unforgiven" feeling that no amount of prayer could change.

Sin affects all of us, both directly and indirectly.  Our inability live a righteous life, as well as our inability to "clean" ourselves (or feel clean) is the whole reason we need a Savior.  If we could somehow find a way to cleanse ourselves from sin and clean our thoughts and future actions, we would have no need for a Savior.  We realize that on our own, we can't change our sinful nature, and no amount of individualized effort can make it go away.  We are also indirectly affected in that one persons sin can affect another person.  An alcoholic Father affects everyone in the house.  Make no mistake about it: We need a Savior.

A popular discussion topic in the world of professional therapy has been "Family Systems".  Now, I am not a therapist, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express!  Basic thing here is that a family is a "system" or unit and whatever is being treated (by the therapist) takes all members of that "system" into account before a proper therapy is prescribed for the individual.  Again, the rudimentary approach here is to not only treat the individual, but to treat the individual in light of the particular dynamics present in the family.

Now, change the "system" from family to Church, call the stress sin, and you have a very interesting discussion.  The question then becomes, if a Church Family System does exist (and it does), then how does our individual sin affect the system?  I believe the answer is immeasurably, and the way we support our members in recognizing this fact is vital to the success of our mission.

The way we as individuals handle sin is not unlike the different ways we cope with stresses of a family system.  You know what I'm talking about here.  Whatever the problem, each individual in the family system copes uniquely.  Some want to talk (and talk, and talk, and talk), some don't want to talk (and are completely frustrated by those that do), some want to ignore the problem (it happened, can we move on please?), and still others just plain don't think there is a problem (good grief, who's to say what's right?).

One of my favorite movies is "Moonstruck".  There's a part in the movie where one of the characters is attempting understand why her husband is having an affair.  The answer, she decides, is that men "fear death".  Thus, when her husband returns home, she looks at him and says, "Hey, I just want you to know that you're gonna die". 

Fact is:  sin does exist (and yes, you are gonna die), and no amount of talking, silence, ignorance, or worldly rationalization will change this fact.  Whatever your personality type is, sin is a very real and present danger to our Churches.

So, the question remains, how then do we functionally deal with our sin?  While this may seem like a rhetorical question, there are practical steps we can take to address it.

Mark 7:18-20 says this:
18 “Are you so dull?” he asked. “Don’t you see that nothing that enters a person from the outside can defile them? 19 For it doesn’t go into their heart but into their stomach, and then out of the body.” (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean.) 20 He went on: “What comes out of a person is what defiles them. …

Before we begin, we must get one thing straight.  The primary action is to put sin in its place: We need first to repent and turn from being led by our sin nature, and follow Jesus.  In short, Give your life to Jesus.  Before Jesus, sin was our master; after Jesus, sin was conquered.  Make this change, and, in the words of that famous cook Emeril Lagasse from the Cooking Channel, "Bam".  Check the first box.

While sinless in the eyes of God thru Jesus, we need to then admit to the continued presence of sin in our hearts.  While our sins have been forgiven, our sinful condition remains.  I went to a men's retreat once where the speaker said that he had gotten so turned around in his Christian life that he actually thought he had conquered sin!  I find that amazing.  If we don't admit we're sick, we won't need a healer.  While I am not Roman Catholic, I will say that their discipline of regular confession keeps them aware of their sin.

Next, we need to stand before God and confess to Him this recognized state of sinfulness.  Just as in any relationship, keeping that kind of stuff in spoils the relationship.  Those of us that are married know that confession to your spouse keeps you honest and builds trust.  How many times have you said to your spouse, "I'm sorry, sweetheart.  I screwed up.  I had the best of intentions, but they just weren't good enough."  That kind of relational activity builds and deepens intimacy.  It works the same way in our relationship with God.

Third, ask for God's forgiveness in the name of Jesus who is your Savior.  God can take no sin.  No matter how "tuned in" to our sin we become, God can have none of it.  We must never forget that God can take no sin.  Thus, when we ask for forgiveness, it must be in the name of Jesus.  I've always said that God sees us thru "Son Glasses".  As a gift from our loving Jesus, our sins are now covered; we have been paroled from the penitentiary of our sin.  That said, we are still sinful.  God only sees no sin as a result of the cover of Jesus.  Our personal conclusion should be that we are in serious need of of a Savior.  You are not sinless, just forgiven.  The more clear that reality is, the more precious our Savior will become.  The more powerless I become in my ability to overcome sin, the more powerful my need for a Savior.

Finally, we need to believe in forgiveness and forgive ourselves.  This may be the hardest part, as we are much more likely to forgive someone else than we are to forgive ourselves.  Again, there are things you can do.  I will mention my favorite.  Take the sins that are giving you the most trouble, write them on a slips of paper, put them in a some sort of safe container and burn them.  Then dig a hole and bury the ashes.  Remember our world will never be perfect.  Perfection awaits us in heaven.

We must make the above process a regular discipline in our lives, so our relationship with God improves.  We call this sort of thing a habit of holiness;  a discipline that causes us to become more separate unto God. This kind of a discipline will cause us to constantly be aware of our dire need of a Savior.  This discipline will build up a humility inside of us that allows us to worship God more and more with every word and thought and deed.

J. I. Packer said the following, "Repentance means turning from as much as you know of your sin, to give as much as you know of yourself, to as much as you know of your God, and as our knowledge grows at these three points so our practice of repentance has to be enlarged."

Bottom line is that we need relationship with God.  Yet, our human condition creates a void that only Jesus can span.  Thus, we need Jesus.  And by regularly remembering that our natural condition hasn't really changed, are hearts are drawn more and more to Him as our Savior from them.

Remember here our goal as a Christian community is to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).  We need to work to make that process more and more effective.  Sin and its consequences affect that mission.  Our example of a functional relationship is the Trinity; that wonderful, perfect relationship which is God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.  Think about it for a moment.  A perfect relationship of perfect love.  When we worship God in Jesus, we are tapping into a perfection that will indeed change our lives.  A change felt not just personally, but in the lives of all those in community of believers around us.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,



Friday, March 15, 2013

"If you can see the enemy, he can see you"

Bible Link: 2nd Corinthians Chapter 4

2nd Corinthians 4 Key Verse: So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV)
Military Truisms
Over the years, I have had the privilege of working with some of the brave men and women who have so honorably served the various branches of the US Military. It was thru them I heard about "Military Truisms". By definition, a truism is an "obvious truth". Thus, a military truism is an obvious truth about the military (rocket science, I know). There are so many, but here are a couple of my favorites: "Aim toward the enemy (instruction printed on a US rocket launcher)", "When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is no longer our friend", "Don't draw fire; it irritates the people around you", and my favorite, "Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than you are". These just make me laugh. Of course, the wonderful thing about them is that they are easy to understand. When you pull the pin on a grenade, throw it quickly or it might blow up in your hand. If you are "drawing fire" then that fire you are drawing might also hit someone other than you. Bottom line, ... They are amusing phrases that help us remember important truths.

In terms the obviousness of the truth, If we were to measure this chapter of 2nd Corinthians with these military truisms, we would find it to be more of a challenge. All and all, the disciples were not much different than many of us. It's a guess, but I'll bet the disciples would have preferred military truisms to the parables. In Matthew 13 verse 10, the disciples flat out asked Jesus, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?” (Matthew 13:10 NIV) A little further down in that same chapter in verse 36, it says "His disciples came to him and said, 'Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field.'” (Matthew 13:36 NIV) Jesus' use of the parable as a teaching tool proved to be quite the challenge. I wonder if there are Christian truisms out there (something new to google - yay)?

The Paradox
Jesus makes use of a couple of literary devices in the Bible. The literary device used here is the paradox. A paradoxical statement is used to expose a deeper meaning with one that seems to contradict itself. The command to fix our eyes on that which is unseen is very much the paradoxical statement. So, what should we do with this chapter, and how should we best convey its meaning to others?

Quick Chapter Synopsis: Sharing The Gospel
2nd Corinthians chapter 4 actually speaks of the ministry that is telling others about Jesus; the ministry of "setting forth the truth plainly" to others. It even goes so far as to say not to use "secret" or "deception" in the process. Afterwords, If they are unable to see it ("if our Gospel is veiled") then they won't see it ("it is veiled to those who are perishing"). Finally, it says to not lose heart; don't get discouraged.

Thus, basically, this chapter tells us to focus our attention on sharing the true meaning of what Christ's death 2000 years ago means to a person today in terms of Eternity. It's a difficult journey, so don't get discouraged. Keep your eye on the prize!

Share The Truth, And Nothing But The Truth, So Help You...
Sell Them The Truth. First, It's clear in this chapter that Paul does not want us to act like used car salesmen here. Be clear and direct; don't try to sell it, just share it. Share the truth. Share the faith. My Father was a therapist prior to retiring and he would tell me to share my experience, strength, and hope. Share your experience of coming to Jesus. Share how it has made you stronger. Then, share how Jesus in your life has given you hope for tomorrow. Thus, keep to the story of Jesus, and that hope we now have with Him in our lives. Understand how Jesus has touched your life, and communicate that story and what it means.

Eternal Life: This Car Sells Itself. Second, as we share our faith, we need to remember successful delivery of the message affords the listener with eternal life in heaven, due as a grace from Christ's sin atoning death. Wow! Exciting! We absolutely cannot take this basic element of the message for granted. In terms of the attractiveness, Eternity, as I say, is a long time. Think of the eternal significance of following Jesus as "the hook". Work it backwards, anything that gives us eternal life might cause me to want to hear the whole thing. This should also be our motivation for sharing. It's like telling someone about a gift waiting for them. That's always exiting.

The Next Salesman May Get The Sale. Lastly, it's easy to get discouraged - so just don't. Your job is to be the so called hands and feet. The power is with the Holy Spirit. Ultimately, it's the Holy Spirit that leads the person to Christ; not you or your smooth delivery. You may be the one to watch them find Christ, but you may just be one more person on that trail. Kind of think of the whole process of sharing your faith like the process of losing weight. The first step to losing weight is to stop gaining... right? The first step to sharing your faith more effectively is to just stop avoiding the opportunities you have. Sharing your faith does not have to involve a "tract" like the "Four Spiritual Laws" or some other elaborate process (though they definitely help), it can just be while talking to a colleague, you share about the things that work for you in your life. Little by little, I think we will all find that fulfilling the great commission is easier than we thought.

* * * * * * *

Christian Truism attempt: "Spin the dice, because you may not crash twice"
Ha Ha. Maybe my gifts in prose lie elsewhere.

In His Grace,

Monday, February 18, 2013

He Likes Me, He Really Likes Me - Mark 8:1-3

During those days another large crowd gathered. Since they had nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples to him and said,  “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat.  If I send them home hungry, they will collapse on the way, because some of them have come a long distance.” (Mark 8:1-3 NIV84)

Poor Sally Field, our blog post title today comes from that memorable speech she made at the Oscars in 1984 where she said, "... The first time I didn't feel it, but this time I feel it, and I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me."  Whatever that speech really meant, I think among other things, it sort of hits on an emotional challenge many have, and that is that we really crave to be truly, deeply, cared for, "liked", and loved.  We don't want lip service, we don't want to be "stroked", we want to know and feel that someone out there really and truly cares.

I was moved in the Mark passage by Jesus' loving reaction to the physical condition of the people to whom He had been ministering so fervently.  Mark explains that He had compassion for the people.  Here Jesus, teaching for 3 days, probably exhausted and hungry himself, has the magnitude and fortitude to feel compassion for a people so hungry for a Savior, they are willing to ignore their own hunger; even to the point of possible collapse during their journey home.  As only a parent would know, Jesus recognizes their state and wants to feed them.

In Luke 15:20 we see this word compassion used again in yet another familiar story, the Prodigals Son: "But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."  The story did not say that his Father saw him and waited for him to come to him, it said that he ran to him and threw his arms around him.  That's not just a feeling, that's a passion.  That's a loving parent who truly deeply cares for the wellbeing of His son.

We again see this property shown in possibly its purest form when Jesus actually weeps for His friend Lazarus who has recently died.  John 11:33-36: When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled.  “Where have you laid him?” he asked. “Come and see, Lord,” they replied.  Jesus wept. Then the Jews said, “See how he loved him!”

This English word compassion comes from the Greek word Splagchnizomai (Strong's 4697) and the definition is "to be moved as to one's bowels, hence to moved with compassion".  Ok.  I'll say it.  Gross.  I know your saying, wow, this Greek thing is really helpful :)  Fact is that the Strong's definition goes on to explain that "the bowels were regarded as the seat of the more violent passions, such as anger and love; but by the Hebrews as the seat of the tenderer affections, esp. kindness, benevolence, compassion; hence our heart".

So, if we put this in our bowl and stir it all together we see a compassion that is a very deeply felt.  This is not just a feeling but a passionate reaction to the physical condition of His people, to the sheep of His flock.  Like our Father in heaven, like a loving parent, Jesus looks to us in a way only a parent can.  As when our own children are running out the door without a coat or when we send our kids off to school, we love them deeply enough to put that coat on them or to give them their bag lunch.

The Psalmist says it well, when he says, "For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light." (Psalms 36:9 NIV84)

I am personally comforted by all this, as I want to follow a Savior who I know cares about me; who feels deeply for me.  I may not know what's around the corner in life, but this I know.  That I am following a loving Savior, who cares not only for my soul, but also for my sanity.  A parent who loves me and cares for me deeply.  A friend who weeps for me.  I am in good hands.  I am in His hands.

He loves me, He really Loves Me!

In His Grace,

Monday, February 11, 2013

Are you tuned in to the right station? - Job 33:14

I always knew my Dad was in a bad mood when I heard him listening to the that Classical Music favorite Wagner (pronounced of course with a V, as in Vagner). Wagner has so many wonderfully dark pieces that it seemed to help him feel better when he was angry or upset. The book of Job seems to provide a similar outlet when we are going thru more challenging times. I call Job the "Co-misery book". Funny thing is, when things are in the "not so bad" category, the increased objectivity tends to allow for more accurate application of its timeless truths.

Job 33:14 says the following: "For God does speak - now one way, now another - though man may not perceive it." (NIV)

A colleague of mine once confided to me that he was awaiting his special experience with God. When asked to elaborate further he said he heard stories of people having been touched by God in very clear and certain ways. I have a real compassion for this expectation as I think he's not alone here. There are many out there just like him waiting to follow God when they clearly hear from Him in an overtly supernatural fashion. In the words from the that wonderful 70's Christian Oldie "Day By Day", if God wants me to "follow thee more nearly", then he's going to have to "show Himself more clearly".... day by day (enter a music symbol here).

What strikes me as interesting is that I believe as Christians we make this attribute of our relationship with God too central to our testimony. I'll bet this missing experiential element is, more often than we think, a concrete stumbling block for people whose current status is more "fence straddling". I think you know what I'm saying. I personally love to hear the "road to Damascus" stories. I'll always be excited to hear about the extraordinary supernatural ways of God. That said, we should also remember the doubting Thomas story: "... blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." John 20:29 (NIV) There are many out there who believe yet have not had that experience. So, how do we respond here?

First of all, for all those out there who have had "less than extraordinary" epiphanies... learn to evangelize! The Kingdom is counting on you! Now, I'm only being slightly humorous here. Let's be honest. There are more testimonials out there of this type than the other. I wonder sometimes if Christians feel that due to their "ordinary" experience they should not testify. Who would have known that yours is the missing testimony. Hey... "I found Jesus in the middle of an Anglican Church service"... now THAT'S extra interesting!

Second, for those that HAVE experienced God in special ways, by all means share them. It is a critical element of the passion in your testimony. Having said that, share the rest of the story as well. When the blinding light is over, and the scales fall, our relationship with God becomes a more gradual experience. It's a wondrous and path altering experience, but gradual none the less.

Finally, find the right channel to listen to. My Dad and I used to scan the AM Radio airwaves late at night so that we could hear far away stations. It took some careful tuning, but we could always get something interesting. Remember in your own life as well as when you share with others, that God speaks to each of us in differing ways. In my life, while it may be a trite expression, it tends to be in the still small voice. God speaks to others in verses that arise during a quiet time, still other's during prayer, ... and the list goes on. It's hard to compare because it's different with each of us. Bottom line, you need to expect His communication with you and be listening for the unique way it happens.

Because of all the static you hear, my Dad would grow bored with the whole activity of finding far away radio stations and walk out of the room. Ever hopeful, I would keep on scanning. Suddenly, I would find a radio station in Seattle, Washington. The excitement was palpable at that moment. The wonder and excitement of hearing from God is the same thing. When you hear and realize that you have just heard from God, that ordinary experience changes to an excitement that becomes addicting. You can't wait to hear Him again. The ordinary, changes to the extra ordinary.

Happy scanning!

In His Grace,

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Don't Forget to Practice Your Piano!

Teaching an instrument can be a challenging task. You start a new student with three initial goals (and hope for the best). First, you want them to understand the benefits and yield of the daily practice discipline. Second, you want them to remember to focus on the score and not the floor.  Lastly, the student must remember that understanding music theory is imperative for effective use of the instrument.

Going forward with the student you have good weeks and bad weeks.  Some weeks the student has practiced dutifully, skill has increased, and the lesson is very growth oriented.  Other weeks, when clearly the weeds of distraction have taken root, the lesson goal is merely to keep them on track; encouraging them to go out and do great things.

As a Contemporary Worship Leader, I am an active participant in the Sunday service and my vantage point allows me to see people walk thru that door.  It occurred to me the other day that the weekly discipline of Church is not unlike that of learning an instrument.  Each week the congregants enter the door of the Church again; sometimes with the glow of growth, and other times with a reflection of disaffection.  The goal, then, is to send that saint home different and changed; ready for a new week. Each Sunday, we need to do four things for one another:  Encourage, Engage, Enliven, and Empower.

Encourage.  Everybody needs some encouragement.  People need to be reminded they are loved by God and loved by His people.  People need their Church brothers and sisters to tell them that "it's okay" and to "keep on keeping on".  Discouragement is a real problem in life.  As a Church, we should be all over encouragement.  We need strength that comes from verses like Joshua 1:6 that say "Be strong and courageous".

Engage.  When the going get's rough, sometimes the person gets going.  After a long hard day at work or school, sometimes we just want to go to bed and pull the covers over our heads.  Life is a challenge and it's hard not to want to just run away and hide.  Sunday should be all about getting one another back on track and back in the game.

Enliven.  Back in the 80's we had a saying: "Pump (pause) it up"  Okay, so I'm not suggesting that we be fake.  Authentic Christianity is always the goal.  That said, a little "Rah Rah Rah" can't hurt either.  We need to remember that God has a special purpose for us and that makes us special.  We need to enliven one another over the exciting job it is to be God's soldiers!

Empower.  God's word and God's way is awesome!  Each Sunday, we need to hear the word exposed, explained and then applied to our life.  The word should empower us to remember "the way the truth and the life".
+       +       +
We need to encourage one another to pray and to read the Bible.  We need to re-engage them in the life that is the Christian life; the way that is God's way.  We need to excite and enliven their spirits and let them know we are there for them, praying for them.  We need to remember that in being a "do-er" of the word, we are empowered by God to do great things in His name.  What an awesome thing.

Sunday is great!  We need it.  It's place in the week of each believer should be irreplaceable.  We need to remember how important gathering together each week is and how much a plus it can be in the big scheme of things.  Remember to make a difference this week in the life of a fellow saint.

See you in Church!

Blessings, Tim

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Joy while facing trials? Really? - James 1:2

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds" (James 1:2 NIV)

Whenever I read this verse, the human part of me just can't seem to get past the word "joy". To induce the emotion I'm blogging about, let's say a friend came up to you and told you about a particularly challenging situation and you were to respond that they should consider it "pure joy" that they were going thru it. This is the dilemma I'm blogging about: what does the passage say we should say? Now, no one in their right mind would respond that way. It's the Bible, though, so why not? I think its important to understand why not (in the case of this particular verse, of course).

As Christians, we need to remember when someone shares about a significant life challenge, everything we say is going to affect them one way or the other for Christ; positive or negative.  It's the very reason many say the best action is to listen and not solve. That said, why does James seem to be saying we should be joyful in our "jams"?

For all those purists out there, I am NOT mocking the Bible. I am actually making a point. While I said I wouldn't do this, ... the New Testament was written in Koine Greek. The Greek word used here is "cara" (Strong's 5479 - for those that look at this sort of thing) and it means, surprisingly enough joyful.

Now, I'm in trouble.  It tells me to "consider it pure joy" when I'm facing troubles, and the Greek Lexicon give me no release.  When I looked for its use elsewhere in the Bible, I found one verse that delivered me from my guilt.  James 4:9, the very book that gave me this difficult advice, said the following: "... let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy to gloom."  An antonym - yes!  When you use the same Lexicon that let me down the first time and look up the word "gloom" you find its meaning to be downcast or to cast ones eyes down ("katepheia" or Strongs 2726 for all those I have converted to this word study craziness).  The opposite of casting your eyes down is casting your eyes up!  That I can live with.  Yeah! Relief!

My point is that many times when we are trying to project Biblical adherence with disciplines that don't portray authenticity, our witness suffers.  Here we are trying to make them feel better with advice that just makes them feel bad or worse guilty.  You know, I would like to have a maturity where, when difficulty strikes, I could take great joy in how I know God will work in and thru it, but I am just not there yet.  That said, I wouldn't want my witness to reflect that either (since it's not true).  Knowing that what I'm really called to do in this passage is to look heavenward for answers is something I can live with.  THAT's a habit of holiness I can sink my teeth into.  That's a comfort I can convey to others.

Have a wonderful day!


Monday, January 21, 2013

Google Maps Will Only Get You So Far - Proverbs 19:21

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord ’s purpose that prevails. (Proverbs 19:21 NIV)

It's Monday morning and I think it only fair I choose an easy one. To make matters worse, It's also Inauguration Day in the Nations Capital and my commute was, to say the least, complicated. My ability for industrial thought today is diminished. My apologies. So, ... what's to say here that has not already been said?

You know, when I'm planning a route online to somewhere I don't usually go, there is a high probability of some measure of failure. For all those out there who have used online mapping websites, you can relate. It's an almost certain losing strategy to put our directional hope in something or someone with absolutely no accountability for our successful arrival.

There are a couple of words here that make this passage thought provoking for me. First it's the word "heart". When I plan a route that ends up going "south" on me (sorry, I couldn't resist that), I'm annoyed. When my "heart" is in something and it goes sideways, my disappointed runs much deeper. So, a good strategy for life should always be to minimize disappointment. Right? (Wow an amazing revelation - but for a Monday this is huge!) The question is, How do we accomplish that? Well, the short answer is to match your "heart plans" with God's purpose.

Sound easy? Well, the answer IS easy. The challenge is in the implementation. For all Program Managers out there, I'm certain I hit close to home. Basically, we must be praying, we must be reading, we must be attending, we must be congregating... we must be actively pursuing God. Even then, it's not a quick solution. Relationship building with God is not unlike relationship building with people; it takes time. Remember the old saying that it's not the amount of time you spend its the quality of the time? While it is true that any time spent seeking God is "quality time", but in order to better understand as well as be "in tune" with the mind of God you will need to spend "quantity time".

The last comment I have here is on the word "purpose". Notice the verse does NOT say "Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord ’s plans that prevail." The author states that it's the "Lord's purpose" that prevails". God has the "big" picture here and he WILL accomplish His purpose; you can guarantee that. I've often said that I don't want the "big" picture because, to use a phrase from a well known movie, I can't handle the truth.

So when we plan our routes in life, we need to make sure we are connected to the right content provider. If we allow God enter His destination for our lives, every turn we make will be the right one.

Happy Monday!

Blessings, Tim

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Give 'em a Candy Bar - Matthew 18

Ok. Here is the verse:

“If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector. (Matthew 18:15-17 NIV)

When I was in College, I lived with my Grandmother during a couple of summers.  When you were upset or angry about something, my Grandmother figured you needed a candy bar.  She probably figured that any issue could be cured with chocolate.  I'm of the mind that she is not too far off.  I love chocolate!

Personally, it has been my experience that difficulties, interpersonal challenges / arguments... whatever you wish to call them many times stem from a lack of focus in the Church.  We have all heard and read that Churches, in order to stay healthy, need constantly to be focused on "Mission".  I'm not certain I ever really disagreed, but time has taught me the truth in this wisdom.

Mission work can be defined in many ways.  The bottom line here is that is not just working with the poor in foreign countries.  It can be working with the poor and disadvantaged in the USA.  It can be working with poor in your own county or your own neighborhood.  Mission work is truly any way you reach out to and work with others as ambassadors of Christ's love.  As a Church, we need to be constantly reaching out to our communities, our country and out world.

Mission causes us to focus on the "Love one another" command from Christ.  When we help others we are really carry out Christ's command to love one another.  The early Church was started with this kind of giving back to others.  It keeps us focused on loving, in Christ's way.

Mission work turns the focus from ourselves to others.  No great shock here, but when we are busy (really busy) we tend to forget about our problems, our tiffs, our arguments, etc.  My Grandmother used to like to keep me busy.  Being a parent myself these days, I totally understand that tactic.

All in all Mission work is the gift that keeps on giving.

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Search for Truth - 2 Timothy 3:7

Now, I should say this before we get too far.  There are 10 readings per day with this Bible Reading Plan.  Thus, one might think it impossible not to have something on which to blog each day.  This is true, and I actually may find myself blogging more than I think.  Difference here is that I will admit now that fatigue will play a definite part.  Some mornings I will do well to complete my 10 readings.  (That said, all with the gift of encouragement... hit the comment button here and there.  Encouragement will be welcome.)

Now, one of today's readings is from 2 Timothy Chapter 3.  It is in this chapter we find that well known verse "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness", (2 Timothy 3:16 NIV)  While I love this verse, the one that actually captured my attention was the below verse:

"always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth." (2 Timothy 3:7 NIV)

I am not unlike many.  I love to learn.  I enjoy reading as well as watching biographies, documentaries, etc... Biographies provide me with an appreciation of the the struggle behind the strength, the story behind the glory.  The whole idea of learning from others is to somehow attain a knowledge of what was the secret to a persons success.  Put simply - Why are successful people... well... successful?

First, most successful people are willing to believe in something and work tirelessly to make that "something" happen.  In a word: endurance.  You struggle, you test, you gather data, until you have achieved your goal.  You never give up.

Second, they stopped learning (per se) and started "knowing".  I have heard and read many times of people who were "searching for the truth".  Emily and I enjoy doing family research and love happening on a document that shows a relative existed; where they were born, married, etc.  We print it out, bookmark it and it gives us a clearer picture of the story of our existence.  People are unsuccessful in finding the truth because when they happen on it, they are unwilling to believe.

How does this all apply to Christians?  Bottom line: Don't just read and memorize scripture (a good and productive discipline), understand and apply scripture.  That said, we as Christians need to understand the bottom line and work the rest backwards.  God knew there was no remedy for our sinful nature.  Thus, He sent Jesus: the perfect and final sacrifice allowing us access to God the Father thru God the Son.  We need just accept Him and ask God the Spirit to indwell us.  We then can read the documents that have endured all these many centuries and attain a clearer understanding of the story behind the Glory and the struggle behind the strength.

We then need to stop searching and start loving.

Blessings, Tim

Thursday, January 17, 2013

My First Post - Job 16:2-5

Job is probably one of the books of the Bible which takes little ability read and relate.  I think we use it more to the negative than the positive, but it's always fun to use the phrase "the patience of Job".  The fact is that Job was probably not considered super patient in the daily, just patient in that he endured.

Here is the passage from Job Chapter 16 Verses 2 thru 5:

“I have heard many things like these; you are miserable comforters, all of you!    Will your long-winded speeches never end? What ails you that you keep on arguing?    I also could speak like you, if you were in my place; I could make fine speeches against you and shake my head at you.    But my mouth would encourage you; comfort from my lips would bring you relief. (Job 16:2-5 NIV)

Here are my thoughts:

Wow.  We have all felt like this at one point or another.  How many times have we experienced some sort of challenge, confided in a (so called) friend, only to receive a lecture on "better living".  One of the several things we can gleen from the story of Job is the importance of developing a greater ability to share the grace of Jesus.  Whether a friend is experiencing a difficulty that was "self-inflicted" or one that was beyond control, it remains one that was neither expected nor welcome.  Our place as friends, then, is to share the grace that was and IS Jesus.  Jesus died for our sins NOT due to our worth as people, but due to our worth to God.  God knew our capacity to sin was greater than our capacity for relationship with Him; thus, He knew we needed an out.  Our out is Jesus. He came to us in the midst of our brokenness, in the midst of our stupidity and said simply, "I love you and still want you to be called my friend".  As that age old song says, truly, what a friend we have in Jesus.

Reading thru the Bible in a Year

Happy New Year!

Begining around the 2nd or 3rd of January (2013), I began my quest to once again read thru the Bible in a year.  As I have done before, I am using a Bible application written by a company called YouVersion.  My first association with the YouVersion team was using my Blackberry.  I have since graduated to an iPhone and use the same application on that device.  I feel certain this application is available for Android phones as well, but I'm not certain of this.  Among other things, this application provides several methods to enable one to read thru the Bible in a year.  The one I used before was named "Old Testament New Testament".  It would give you four or five Chapters to read per day.  After 365 days, you have read thru the entire Bible.  The one I chose this time is called "Professor Horner's Bible Reading System".  It's goal is to get you thru the Bible in around 9 months.  There are about 10 Chapters to read each day.

I thought that I would use this forum to share any thoughts that I might have from time to time.  They are just my thoughts.  They will NOT be done with lots of research or commentaries or Greek lexicons - just me sharing my reaction to a particular Bible passage.

That said, my hope and goal will always be that these thoughts bring increase to God and NOT my ability to share complete and wonderfully worded commentary.

I look forward to your sharing with me your thoughts and reactions as well.  You can use the "Share" button to do so.

For His Glory, Tim